Sunday, March 7, 2010

He nahä ipu auane‘i o pa‘a i ka hupau humu.

Aloha mai e nā hoa makamaka! He nahā ipu auanae'i o pa'a i ka hupau humu. A broken gourd can be mended by drawing together and sewing, but it is hard to repair a family rift. A broken relationship is not as easily mended as a broken ipu or gourd. This 'ōlelo no'eau reminds us of the importance of familial connections. Our ties to 'ohana are strong. When we have rifts in our families, when we don't get along or make an effort to get along, these precious relationships become difficult to mend. The longer we let time go by, the harder it is. This proverb really is a reminder to mālama our relationships, hold them close to us and be good to each other. When we make mistakes, e kala aku a e kala mai, forgive and be forgiven. Although a broken relationship may not be as easily mended as a broken ipu, there is hope. Through love, forgiveness and acceptance once broken relationships can be mended, healing can take place and we can move forward with greater joy and happiness. Over the past few weeks I have seen this happen. I have witnessed the miracle of forgiveness, the healing forgiveness brings and the mending of relationships. Today, my challenge to each of each of us to think about the relationships in our own lives that may need to be mended. Are there those whom we need to forgive? Do we ourselves need to seek forgiveness? Like the glue that can mend a broken ipu, love and forgiveness can heal our relationships. No wait, do it today! I promise you that you will find joy!

aloha nō, a hui hou,

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